Thursday, September 18, 2008

A place for the sweeties

I received my order from the dollhouse supplier, so my little shop is now starting to look less empty. I took the photos with the furniture outside it because I haven't decidet yet their placement. some of the items I made some weeks ago are already inside. Hope you like it!

Some shelves with and without glass, a counter and my favorite one,
a small cart, which I think adds a some style.

Inside the boxes there're some sweeties, and below some cakes.
More cakes, already cutted, on the cart.

Finally, I thouth that cookies and cinnamon rolls
suit the wicker baskets.

1 comment:

Tonyina said...

ei!!! gracies pels comentaris.
M'agraden els mobles, no sabia que estaves fent una botigueta, la veritat es ke te molt bona pinta.

que vols dir si son difícils de fer servir el pastissos?